Latest News

road closure

Station Road in the Parish of Kintbury will be closed on 11th & 12th July 2024, between the hours of 08:00 – 17:00, the closure is between the junctions of A4 Bath Road and High Street.  This closure is to enable Volker Highways to carry out drainage works on behalf of West Berkshire Council.


A plan of the closure and diversion can be found at: (click on link):


All enquiries please contact West Berkshire Council on 01635 519080.


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information.


KPC has been in ongoing discussions with WBC enforcement regarding this land. It transpires that Network Rail do indeed own the land, as we advised the individual last March, and we understand Network Rail are taking steps to confirm this. What action they take remains to be seen but KPC is keen that the land is restored to how it was before this act of environmental vandalism took place. What steps will be taken by the relevant authorities regarding the unauthorised tree and hedge felling in bird nesting season remains to be seen.

Work on Station Road just beyond the Network Rail Car Park.


The Parish Council are aware that work has been carried out on a piece of land just beyond the white 5 bar gate, which is at the entrance to the village, and next to the Network Rail car park on Station Road. 


We had not been made aware of any planning application being submitted to WBC regarding development of this land, or any subsequent approval, and therefore were as surprised, as we know many of you were, to see this work progressing. We contacted the appropriate Authorities. As the PC does not own this land, such as our District Councillors; WBC and the Environmental Office of WBC, along with Network Rail, who we understand does own the land.


It has now come to light that a parishioner, who lives near to the site, wanted somewhere to park his car and tractor and believes that this land is not owned by anyone and so he has the right to occupy and use it. He has informed us that he did submit a planning application but when following this up some time later was told by WBC that they did not have a planning application to review and he would have to submit/resubmit one. He has informed us he has done so.


However, without waiting for a response from WBC planning which would have included the thoughts of the PC, the gentleman has gone ahead and brought equipment in and levelled a section of the land which has included cutting back trees and removing hedgerow and other bushes and then laying a hard surface. All of which we believe to be totally inappropriate and possibly illegal. This is especially so as we understand that this land is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and therefore protected from any sort of development.


We will continue to speak with Network Rail and WBC, hopefully, to reach a satisfactory conclusion and we will also, via this site, keep you informed of developments as they occur. 

road closure

Pebble Hill in the Parish of Kintbury will be closed on 3rd July 2024, between the hours of 08:00 – 17:00, the closure is between its junction with Kintbury Road and Rooksnest Lane.  This closure is to enable Volker Highways to carry out permanent carriageway repairs on behalf of West Berkshire Council.


The diversion will be signed on site, access will be given to residents.


All enquiries please contact our Highways Maintenance Team at West Berkshire Council on 01635 519080


A plan of the closure and diversion can be found at:

emergency road closure

Newbury Street in the Parish of Kintbury is currently closed and will reopen on 26th June 2024. The closure is from the junctions with Station Road and Unnamed Road from Tinkers Corners to Hampstead Marshall.   This closure is to repair a leak.  

As this is an emergency the diversion route is not known, the diversion will be signed on site.

This closure is to enable Thames Water to repair a leak.

Residential access will be maintained throughout


Please note blue light access is not known at this time.


All enquiries should be directed to Thames Water on 0800 316 9800.


A plan of the closure can be found at:


Road closure

Station Road in Kintbury will be closed weekdays only from 15th to 29th July 2024, the road will be open to all traffic at weekends.  The closure will be between its junction with Mill Bank and its junction with Inkpen Road.


The purpose of this closure is to enable Gigaclear to install fibre cables.


Residential access will be maintained throughout, and the diversion will be signed on site.


Please note blue light access will be permitted.


All enquiries should be directed to MKJ Group Ltd on 01488 73393.


A plan of the closure can be found at


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area?  Visit for more information.

Please note that the District Councillors have asked for a meeting regarding this closure, due to concerns. 


Date: 28 May 2024


Parliamentary elections set for Thursday 4 July


West Berkshire Council is gearing up to hold parliamentary elections following the announcement of a general election on Thursday 4 July.

With polls opening in just six weeks residents are encouraged to register to vote now if they are not already on the electoral register. Registering to vote takes only a few minutes and can be done online at If you are unsure if you're registered to vote or you need help you can contact our Electoral Services team on 01635 519464 or by email at

Residents can also vote by post in advance of polling day or nominate someone to vote on their behalf (a proxy vote) with more information about how to do this available on our website.

This will be the first general election at which voters are required to show Photo ID. Information on accepted forms of Photo ID can be found on the Electoral Commission website. You can also visit the website to apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate if you don't have another acceptable document to show.

West Berkshire Council's Chief Executive Nigel Lynn will act as the Returning Officer overseeing the election. Speaking about the plans he said:

"A parliamentary election is something we knew was coming and we have been preparing for it for some time. Following last week's announcement we will be putting this plan into action ready to welcome residents to polling stations on Thursday 4 July.

"With only a short time until the election it's important that residents are ready for it. I would encourage everyone to register to vote if they have not already done so and to consider if they need a postal or proxy vote. Happening during the summer holiday period, it may be people will be away so please don't leave it to the last minute if you need to arrange to vote in advance or arranging for someone to do so on your behalf."

For the first time, residents will be electing Members of Parliament for the new constituencies of Newbury, and Reading West and Mid Berkshire. Since the general election in 2019, the two new constituencies have been created as part of a national boundary review to rebalance the number of electors in each area. The two constituencies span West Berkshire along with the wards of Kentwood, Norcot and Tilehurst within the Reading Borough Council area. West Berkshire Council will be administering the elections for both constituencies.

Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday 4 July. Your polling station may have changed since you last voted so please check the venue on your polling card, or check it online nearer to polling day.

road closure 

Enborne Row, Wash Water in the Parish of Enborne will be closed on 31st May 2024, between the hours of 08:00 – 17:00,  from its junction with Station Road to County Boundary. This closure is to enable Volker Highways to carry out permanent carriageway repairs on behalf of West Berkshire Council.


Diversion will be signed on site.


All enquiries please contact our Highways Maintenance Team at West Berkshire Council on 01635 519080


A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link):


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information.

emergency road closure

Station Road in the Parish of Kintbury is currently closed and will reopen on 22nd May 2024.  The closure is between its junction with A4 Bath Road and Newbury Street.


This emergency road closure is to enable Thames Water to repair their network.

Residential access will be maintained throughout, and the diversion route will be signed on site.

Please note blue light access is not known at this time.

All enquiries should be directed to Thames Water on 0800 316 9800.


A plan of the closure can be found at


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area?  Visit for more information.


road closure

Blandy Hill in the Parish of Kintbury will be closed on 18th May 2024, between the hours of 08:00 and 17:00hrs. The closure is between the junctions of Forbury Lane and Inkpen Road.  

This closure is to enable Volkers Highway carry out urgent permanent carriageway repairs.

The diversion will be signed on site.

We apologise for the short notice.


A plan of the closure can be found at:


All enquiries please contact the Highways Maintenance Team at West Berkshire Council on 01635 519080.


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information.

road closure

Burtons Hill in the Parish of Kintbury will be closed on 16th May 2024, between the hours of 08:00 – 17:00, from the junction of Newbury Street to the junction of Gainsborough Avenue.  The closure is to enable Volker Highways to carry out trial hole to investigate subsidence on behalf of West Berkshire Council.


The diversion route will be signed on site. 


All enquiries please contact the Highways Maintenance Team at West Berkshire Council on 01635 519080.


A plan of the closure can be found at:


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information.

road closure

Church Hill and Unnamed Road from Bath Road to Orpenham Farm in the Parishes of Welford and Kintbury will be closed from 08:00 to 17:00 hours on 23rd April 2024, from the junction with B4000 Baydon Road to the junction with A4 Bath Road.  The closure is to enable Volker Highways to carry out drainage works on behalf of West Berkshire Council.


The diversion route will be signed on site. 


Please note blue light access is not known.


All enquiries please contact the Drainage Team at West Berkshire Council on 01635 519080.


A plan of the closure can be found at


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information.

village litter pick

Thank you to all the volunteers who took part in the village litter pick and thank you to Mike Stapley for organising. 

Flood Grants

Flood grants – please note the following information about grants which are available and has been promoted by West Berkshire Council.  Many households and businesses were impacted by Storm Henk between 2 to 12 January 2024. WBC understand the challenges you're facing, and are here to offer support through various flood recovery grants.


Here's a summary of the assistance available but please note each grant has a different deadline date:


1.       Flooded households in eligible affected areas, who can apply for up to £500 cash to help with immediate costs.  

2.       Households and businesses significantly affected, who will be eligible for 100% council tax and business rates relief for at least 3 months.

3.       Small-to-medium sized businesses in eligible affected areas, who can apply for up to £2,500 from the Business Recovery Grant to help them return quickly to business as usual.  

4.       Eligible flood-hit property owners, who can apply for up to £5,000 to help make their homes and businesses more resilient to future flooding via the Property Flood Resilience Repair Grant Scheme.  

5.       Farmers who have suffered uninsurable damage to their land will be able to apply for grants of up to £25,000 through the Farming Recovery Fund towards repair and reinstatement costs for farmers adversely affected by exceptional flooding.


If you're a resident or business in West Berkshire and believe you qualify, please visit our website for further information and to complete the necessary forms: Flood Grants - West Berkshire Council. We're here to support you through this challenging time.


The information about the grants including eligibility and the forms are on the Councils website: Flood Grants - West Berkshire Council.

Any queries in relation to the grants etc should be directed to the following email address: (monitored office hours only) 

Road Closures 

Sadlers Road in the Parish of Inkpen will be closed on the 16th to 18th April 2024, the closure will be between its junction with Totterdown and its junction with Byway 52.


There is no alternative route for vehicles affected by this closure, therefore resident and blue light access will be maintained.


The purpose of this closure is for Thames Water to carry out repairs to their network.


All enquiries should be directed to: Thames Water on 0800 316 9800


A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link)


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information.

Pottery Lane in the Parish of Inkpen will be closed on the 17th to 19th April 2024, the closure will be approximately 50 metres back from its junction with Post Office Road.


As there is no alternative route for those affected, therefore resident access will be maintained throughout.


The purpose of this closure is for Thames Water can carry out repair and maintenance works.


Please Note: Blue light access permitted throughout these works.


All enquiries should be directed to: Thames Water on 0800 316 9800


A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link)


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information.

vandalism to the public conveniences 

The Parish Council are disappointed to report that the recently refurbished public conveniences have been vandalised. We are reluctantly resigned to loo roll being pilfered but this week some serious damage was caused to the gents urinals and children's changing mat.

If this continues the PC will have to consider whether it continues funding this resource.

emergency road closure

Bell Lane in the Parish of Inkpen is currently closed and expected to be reopened on 22nd March 2024, the closure is between its junctions with Unnamed Road from Upper Green to Spray Road and Unnamed Road from Bell Lane to Lower Green.  This is an emergency closure to enable Thames Water to carry out repairs on a leak.

The diversion will be signed on site.

All enquiries should be directed to Thames Water on 0800 316 9800.

Please Note: Blue light access is not known.

A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link):


VILLAGE LITTER Pick Saturday 13th April 2024

 from 10:00 to 12:00

Meeting at Gladstone Sports Ground Car Park

Please come and help clear up any litter from our village.

All gear provided; Gloves, Pickers, Sacks/Hoops, High Viz Jackets.

Please let me know if you are interested in taking part.

Mike Stapley

Email :

Kintbury Parish Council: 2024/25 Precept.


Over the last year most services subcontracted by the PC were re-tendered to ensure the parish continues to receive value for money. However; all the services provided by the PC have seen significant cost rises during the previous year, these were mainly due to wage and material inflation. Examples include maintenance and operation of the public conveniences, maintenance of Miss Lawrence field, some street light repairs, administration costs, contributions towards the mobile library and the supply and maintenance of dog waste bins. In addition the PC continue to support the Gladstone Trust which manages facilities such as the playground, skatepark and supports the KJC, bowls, tennis and football clubs. 

The annual precept had not been increased since 2017/18 so PC reserves, which had covered previous years shortfalls, were running low. Accordingly, and after much consideration and debate, the PC has decided to increase the precept by 5%. You will note this increase on your council tax bill from West Berkshire Council under ‘Kintbury Parish Council”


In addition to the usual statutory and discretionary services the parish council delivers we will be undertaking a number of special projects this year, more information on these will be published in forthcoming annual newsletter. For the avoidance of doubt it is worth noting that funding for these initiatives comes from ring fenced CIL (Community infrastructure levy) receipts and grant awards. These projects are not paid for by precept receipts.


If you have any questions or if you would like to contact the parish council then please contact the Clerk:  Angela Boyce 07917485191

The SNG Commercial Support Fund

Do you run a charity shop that’s in need of a facelift? Or a community cafe whose tables could do with a refresh? If you trade for social good and have a shop front premises, then we might have the solution.

The SNG Commercial Support Fund has been developed specifically for social enterprises that trade from premises (owned or leased) within communities where SNG residents live.

We know that social enterprises that gain most of their income via trading on the high streets have been hard hit post COVID and grant funding for costs that fall outside specific project running costs are hard to come by. SNG is offering a grant of up to £4,000 to pay for costs associated with running a premises that exists for social good within communities.

We want to ensure that shops and other trading spaces set up for social good continue to play a long-term role in creating vibrant commercial and community spaces in neighbourhoods and continue to provide impact to SNG customers and communities. Organisations must be able to demonstrate that they fall into one of the categories below:

The Commercial Support Fund will close on Friday 1 March 2024 at 5pm.

If you have any questions about this grant, please contact our grants team who would be happy to help on

Click the following to apply -  how to apply!

soil conditioner give-away event

Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 March 2024 there will be a soil conditioner give-away event at the Padworth Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF), Padworth Lane, RG7 4JF, between 10am and 4pm where residents will be able to pick up Veolia's locally produced soil conditioner for free! In addition we will have recycling collection points for old or unwanted vapes, small electricals and batteries.

The soil conditioner is produced at Padworth from food and garden waste collected across West Berkshire and is being provided free of charge to West Berkshire Council residents through its partnership with Veolia.

Residents must bring along their own bags/boxes to load the compost into their cars and will be responsible for collecting and loading the soil conditioner from the site to their car. All soil conditioner must be contained in bags or boxes and cannot be loaded directly into cars.

No booking is necessary, however we will be asking that attendees bring along ID or a bill with them to prove they are a resident of West Berkshire. Depending on demand there may be a need to queue for the soil conditioner. We also ask that attendees only collect a reasonable amount to ensure everyone has an opportunity to make use of this offer.


Please note there will be vehicle restrictions in place. Vehicles listed as prohibited in the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) user guide on page 12 will not be allowed. No commercial vehicles will be admitted; this is for householders only. Residents have to take necessary precautions for carrying the soil conditioner safely to their vehicle. The event organisers accept no liability for any injuries that may be sustained by residents loading their vehicles with the materials. Residents wishing to visit the household waste recycling centre must still book an appointment.


More information including FAQ’s can be found on

soil conditioner give-away event 



Village Entrances

The Parish Council are pleased to report that the new village entrance signs have been built and installed along Station Road. This work is part of our ongoing improvements to the village. Our thanks to Dom Eaton and his team from Pots4plants who did this work for us.

The funding for this project was both from the PC and a WBC grant. Our thanks to our District Councillors and WBC for supporting this initiative.

road closure

Station Road in the Parish of Kintbury will be closed on the 15th February 2024, between the hours of 08:00 – 17:00, the closure is between its junctions with A4 Bath Road to the junction of Inkpen Road. This closure is to enable Volker Highways to carry out drainage works due to the flooding in recent weeks on behalf of West Berkshire Council.


Diversion will be signed on site.


All enquiries please contact West Berkshire Council on 01635 519080


A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link):


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information.

8th February 2024

Irish Hill Road and Hampstead Marshall Footpath 14A in the Parish of Hamstead Marshall are currently closed and expected to be reopened on 12th February 2024. The road closure is at the junction to the Footpath 14A with no access to the Footpath.

This is an emergency closure to enable BT to repair a customer connection.

All enquiries should be directed to Kier on 07542858435

A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link):

station road update

The Parish Council have been working with West Berkshire Council and District Councillors over the last week to ascertain what the delay in opening the road is and over the last 2 days, to understand the issues preventing the vehicle being removed. Unfortunately this is something the Parish Council do not have any control. As much as we try, we are reliant on responsible agencies to resolve the matter. We have made clear the inconvenience caused to both Kintbury Residents and visitors. 

emergency road closure

Titcombe Lane in Kintbury is currently closed and will reopen on 24th January 2024.  The closure is from its junction with Kintbury Road.


This emergency road closure is to enable Gigaclear to restore service to customer.


Residential access will be maintained throughout.


Please note blue light access is not known at this time.


All enquiries should be directed to Gigaclear on 01865 591100.


A plan of the closure can be found at


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area?  Visit for more information.

road closure

Kintbury Road in the Parishes of Inkpen and Kintbury will be closed from the 5th February to 19th April 2024 the closure is expected to be between its junction with Folly Road and its junction with Titcombe Lane. 


The diversion route is expected to be via - Pebble Hill, Rooksnest Lane, Great Common, Unnamed Road from Upper Green to Rooksnest Lane, Post Office Road, and vice versa.


Residential access will be maintained throughout, and the diversion will be signed on site.


The purpose of this closure is for Thames Water to carry out works to upgrade the main supply and disconnection of redundant infrastructure.


Please Note: Blue light access will be available throughout.


All enquiries should be directed to: Morrison Water Services on 08003 169 800


A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link)


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information.

station road update

We have received the following update from the West Berkshire Council engineering team: After site investigation at Station Road, Kintbury I can confirm the road is certainly passable in a vehicle however there are still areas of standing water between all the hump back bridges and below is a summary of my findings.



Once Volker have completed the planned works tomorrow and we can remove the abandoned car I will then instruct Volker to lift the current road closure. I hope this is lifted soon however until further confirmation regarding the vehicle I cannot specify further

weather alert 

SSEN moves to Yellow Alert status in central southern England ahead of Storm Isha


  Please see below the latest update from SSEN

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Distribution has moved to Yellow Alert status in central southern England ahead of a period of severe weather which is forecast for Sunday night (21 January) and into the early hours of Monday morning.


Our current weather model for this region shows south-westerly gusts increasing in strength during the second half of Sunday, with peak gusts of 60-65 mph expected between 2100 on Sunday night and 0300 on Monday morning. Thereafter speeds will drop, but high winds will persist into the Monday morning rush hour.


SSEN has been monitoring this weather system for several days, and we have already activated our well-rehearsed contingency plans. We are bringing in extra teams to deal with any damage to the network and subsequent faults, which may interrupt customers’ power supplies. 


Our team that responds to customer inquiries is also being bolstered in preparation for the storm’s arrival.


We will now be getting in touch with almost 250,000 of our more vulnerable customers who live in the Yellow Alert area in central southern England to offer them tailored help and advice.


We will continue to monitor this storm closely as it develops, and we will issue further updates depending on the forecast.  


The same weather system that is bringing this unsettled period of weather to central southern England is also forecast to hit our north of Scotland distribution area; we are also monitoring the potential impact this may have on our network there closely.   


If you see any damage to our equipment, please stay back, don’t touch it and instead report it to us directly by calling 105, or via our Power Track website, and our engineers will investigate as soon as possible.

Can I ask that you support by sharing the following messages with your communities: to help them prepare for the possibility of disruption to supplies by:

Customers are also eligible for our Priority Services Register (PSR) if they:

To find out more about the PSR, click here or call 0800 294 3259.

We will continue to keep you updated on our activities relating to the impacts of Storm Isha and our response, links to our Instagram, Facebook and X (Twitter) channels can be found below.   


Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks | Facebook 


Profile / X (



road closure on station road 

The Parish Council have received a number of email and phone enquiries regarding the road closure on Station Road. Although the PC is not responsible for road closures, we do appreciate the impact this is having on the local residents and have asked West Berkshire Council for an update as a matter of urgency. Please see the link below to the one network which has details of all road closures, responsible body and timeframes.

For the latest updates click here 

Latest flood warnings

in the last 24 hours

As far as the ‘peaks’ of the rivers the Thames has now peaked in our area but will remain high for a while as it slowly discharges downstream. As it remains high it is keeping some of tributaries from releasing so they too shall remain high for some time and for the Lambourn and Kennet the levels are being added to as a result of the groundwater effect. Therefore, whilst it is anticipated levels will reduce most rivers in the area will remain high for quite a period of time.


We have had flooding across the whole district not only of roads but sadly in properties, we have also had flooding in areas which have not flooded before or to the extent we have experienced before or for a very long time.


Over the last few days West Berkshire Council officers and contractors have been working hard to assist where they can by engaging with other agencies to report issues, assessing flooding and putting in place road closures including footpath closures.  A list of the roads closed at the moment are detailed on our website: Flooding: Be Prepared - West Berkshire Council. We are aware that tomorrow morning with the number of roads closed or passable with care it may be a challenging morning, not just in West Berkshire but all our neighbouring Councils who have all been affected by flooding.


Over the coming days West Berkshire Council will be making more assessments as to the number of properties flooded internally (in living spaces) and preparing for the recovery phase as and when the water recedes to allow them to do so. Any feedback in relation to known flooded properties (residential and commercial) is welcome.


Finally, whilst we are in for a slightly drier period of weather it is getting colder with below freezing temperatures, we would therefore ask that people to continue to support people in the community, in particular those who may be more vulnerable.

Gigaclear works in the village

Following representations to the PC from residents and businesses we are pleased, and relieved, to report that Gigaclear postponed their scheduled work on the High Street until the PC have been consulted as to the best way to minimise disruption and facilitate diversions and parking arrangements. The PC is very grateful to our District Councillors who met with Gigaclear and lobbied WBC Highways Dept. It is anticipated that the work will be undertaken in February in a more structured and organised manner whilst retaining access for residents and visitors.

Road Closure

Pebble Hill and Rooksnest Lane in the Parish of Kintbury will be closed from the 2nd January to 2nd February 2024. Pebble Hill will be closed between its junction with Rooksnest Lane and its junction with Kintbury Road. Rooksnest Lane will be closed at its junction with Pebble Hill.


Please note – Commencement may be delayed by a few days; advance warning signs will inform you of any date change.


Due to the closure of both roads, there will be more than one diversion route, these will be signed on site.

Residential access will be maintained throughout. The purpose of this closure is for Thames Water to carry out Mains renewals and disconnection works.


Please Note: Blue light access will be available throughout.


All enquiries should be directed to: Morrison Water Services on 07970 159 790


A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link)


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information

emergency road closure

12th December 2023

This closure has been extended, the road is now due to reopen on 14th December 2023.  This is due to works taking longer than expected as the main burst again and heavy-duty machinery is needed to extend the dig to carry out repair. 

Watery Lane in Kintbury Holt is currently closed and will reopen on 12th December 2023.  The closure is approximately 550m West of Smith’s Bridge between its junction with Burgess Lane and its junction with Holtwood Road. 

This emergency road closure is to enable Thames Water to carry out main cut out works.

Residential access will be maintained throughout, and the diversion route will be signed on site.

Please note blue light access is not known at this time.

All enquiries should be directed to Thames Water on 0800 316 9800.

A plan of the closure can be found at

Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area?  Visit for more information.

road closure

Templeton Road in the Parish of Kintbury will be closed on 24th November 2023, between the hours of 08:00 – 17:00, from the junction of Inkpen Road to the junction of Hungerford Lane. This closure is to enable Volker Highways to carry out permanent carriageway repairs on behalf of West Berkshire Council.


Please seek alternative route.


All enquiries please contact Highways Maintenance at West Berkshire Council on 01635 519080


A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link):


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information.

Its nearly that time again!

The Parish Council will be putting up the Christmas tree on Thursday 30th November, this year, it will be bigger and better with lots of lights for you to enjoy.

Please be advised the closure detailed below has been cancelled. 


High Street in the Parish of Kintbury will be closed from 15th November to 4th December 2023, the closure will be between its junction with Inkpen Road and its junction with Hungerford Road.


An alternative route is via Hungerford Road, Unnamed Road from Hungerford Road to Inkpen Road, Inkpen Road, Craven Road, Weavers Lane, Folly Road, Kintbury Road, Blandys Hill, The Green, Inkpen Road and vice versa.


The purpose of this closure is to enable Gigaclear to install fibre cables.


Residential access will be maintained throughout, and the diversion will be signed on site.


Please note blue light access will not be permitted.


All enquiries should be directed to MKJ Group Ltd on 01488 73393.


A plan of the closure can be found at 


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area?  Visit for more information.


As well as asking for updates from West Berkshire highways, the Parish Council have asked to meet with Gigaclear and hope they come to the next meeting. 

Emergency Road Closures - Inkpen Road and Blandys Hill in Kintbury

Inkpen Road and Blandys Hill in the Parish of Kintbury are currently closed due to severe flooding.  The roads are expected to reopen at 19:00 hours today, 8th November 2023.  The closure is between its junction with Station Road to its junction with Forbury Lane. 


The diversion will be signed on-site.


All enquiries please contact our Drainage Team on 01635 519080.


A plan of the closure can be found at


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information.

Road Closure

Templeton Road in the Parish of Kintbury will be closed on 14th November 2023, between the hours of 08:00 – 17:00, from the junction of Inkpen Road to the junction of Hungerford Lane. This closure is to enable Volker Highways to carry out permanent carriageway repairs on behalf of West Berkshire Council.


Please seek alternative route.


All enquiries please contact Highways Maintenance at West Berkshire Council on 01635 519080


A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link):


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information.

road closure

High Street in the Parish of Kintbury will be closed from 15th November to 4th December 2023, the closure will be between its junction with Inkpen Road and its junction with Hungerford Road.


An alternative route is via Hungerford Road, Unnamed Road from Hungerford Road to Inkpen Road, Inkpen Road, Craven Road, Weavers Lane, Folly Road, Kintbury Road, Blandys Hill, The Green, Inkpen Road and vice versa.


The purpose of this closure is to enable Gigaclear to install fibre cables.


Residential access will be maintained throughout, and the diversion will be signed on site.


Please note blue light access will not be permitted.


All enquiries should be directed to MKJ Group Ltd on 01488 73393.


A plan of the closure can be found at 


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area?  Visit for more information.

Healthwatch West Berkshire

Click here for the link 

Cost of living Fair

Click here for link

Overgrown Hedges

As we come to the end of the growing season the Parish Council would like to remind everyone to please ensure foliage on your property boundaries is cut back to allow access on pavements, footpaths and roads.


The Parish Council receives a number of complaints regarding overgrown hedges restricting paths and, although this is technically a matter between the landowner and West Berkshire Council, the Parish Council requests residents to address this for the benefit of all Parishioners.

How to report a overgrown hedge or hedgerow to West Berkshire Council and who is responsible

If you have noticed a hedge or hedgerow that is blocking a path or road, you can report it online, here. If it's something we look after, West Berkshire Council will investigate it.

Kintbury Parish Council Dog Waste Bins

From 23rd October 2023, Tactical Facilities Management Ltd will be emptying all our dog waste bins. Should you need to report a problem, please contact Kintbury Parish Council Clerk as we are now directly responsible for the contractor.

Please see below a link to the location map of the dog waste bins, using this information to report an issue will help us quickly locate the bin to investigate any issues further.

Location Map Dog Waste Bins

The bins we are responsible for are follows:

Bin   Location

533A Station Rd, beside allotments

533B High Street, behind blue ball pub

533C Irish Hill Road

533D Holt Rd/ Harold Rd/Craven Way junction

533E 35 Burtons Hill / Craven Way junction

533F Gainsborough Avenue

533G Lawrences field Inkpen Rd entrance

533H Lawrences Field, Morrish Grove entrance

533I Lawrences Field, Hop Gardens entrance

533J Bradley Close

533K Wallingtons Road

533L Kintbury Lock (Canal)

533M Kintbury Station House (Canal)


Please report any issues to

Road closure

Kintbury Level Crossing, Station Road in the Parish of Kintbury will be closed between the hours of 00:30 to 04:30 on 31st October 2023.  This closure is to enable Network Rail to carry out annual testing.


During the closure, all traffic will be diverted via Station Road, A4 Bath Road, Charnham Street, Bridge Street, High Street, Park Street, Hungerford Road, High Street, Station Road and vice versa.


Please note blue light access will not be maintained.


All enquiries please contact Sunbelt Rentals on 0370 0500792.


A plan of the closure and diversion route can be found at


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information.

Gigaclear Notice of works

The following works will be taking place in the village 

Sadly Kintbury Preschool is facing impending closure. a gofundme page has been set up. If you can help the preschool with a donation, please use the link below, your donations will be gratefully received

Road Closure

The closure of Laylands Green (below) has been extended to the 5th September, the closure is expected to be lifted by Midday, if not sooner.

This is to allow reinstatement works to be completed.

Apologies for the inconvenience this may cause.

Laylands Green, Kintbury, will be closed from the 21st August to 1st September 2023, (during school holiday) the closure is expected to be between its junction with Dunn Crescent and its junction with The Millards.


The diversion route is expected to be via - Inkpen Road, High Street, Newbury Street, Burtons Hill, and vice versa.


Residential access will be maintained throughout, and the diversion will be signed on site.


The purpose of this closure is for Thames Water contractors to carry out Water Main installation.


Please Note: Blue light access will be via the diversion route only.


All enquiries should be directed to: Morrison Water Services on 08003 169 800


A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link)


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information

Road closure

Station Road in Kintbury, will be closed from 18th to 22nd September 2023, the closure will be between its junction with Forge Close and its junction with Mill Bank.


An alternative route is via Bath Road (A4), Milkhouse Road, Road known as Park Lane, Unnamed road from Holtwood Road to Hamstead Marshall, Unnamed road from Tinkers Corner to Hamstead Marshall, Unnamed Road from Holt Road to Tinkers Corner, Holt Road, Newbury Street and vice versa.


The purpose of this closure is for Thames Water to carry out sewer repairs and maintenance works.


Residential access will be maintained throughout, and the diversion will be signed on site.


Please Note: Blue light access will be available.


All enquiries should be directed to: Onsite Central Ltd on 07771 820 790


A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link)


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information

road closure

Station Road in Kintbury will be closed between 29th and 31 August 2023.  The closure is between its junctions with Newbury Street and its junction with Mill Bank.


This expedient road closure is to enable Virgin Media to install a new chamber and connect to existing network. 


Residential access will be maintained throughout, and the diversion route will be signed on site.


Please note blue light access will be maintained. 


All enquiries should be directed to Virgin Media on 01954 770895.


A plan of the closure can be found at


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area?  Visit for more information.

Public conveniences at Kintbury Lock

Kintbury Parish Council are delighted to inform you that the major work on the refurbishment of the public conveniences has now been completed. There are some minor works to be completed, including some external tidying but KPC hope, the new clean, efficient and convenient facilities will be appreciated by both residents and visitors.


Our thanks to GWR and WBC who provided grants towards the refurbishment and to our contractor, AMT, for all their hard work in completing the project.

Village survey results

You may be aware that Kintbury Parish Council conducted a parish wide survey over the last 3 months to gather suggestions and ideas as to what people want to see being developed in the village


Thanks to all those who responded to the survey, a summary of the top selections reproduced below. As you’d expect there were many great suggestions, plus a few the PC can’t do as they’re not within our remit. 


The Parish Council is now looking at developing these ideas further. A meeting is being arranged, facilitated by the PC to discuss a village fete/event next year. If anyone is interested in taking part and being involved please let us know and join fellow parishioners at the meeting.


PC initiatives this year include tidying up the village entrance signs and gates, the first phase of these should be completed by the end of the summer. Likewise we’ll hopefully see some planters being installed shortly which we can evolve into the Kintbury in bloom theme.


The PC will be considering how we can work with West Berks Council on safe cycle routes and will explore the car club. Related to the latter we are planning on installing 2 EV chargers at the Recreation Ground later this year.

road closure

Kintbury Road in the parish of Kintbury, will be closed on the 8th to 9th August 2023, the closure will be between its junction with Folly Road and its junction with Pebble Hill. 


The diversion route is expected to be via - Pebble Hill, Rooksnest La, Great Common, Unnamed Road from Upper Green to Rooksnest Lane, Post Office Rd, and vice versa.


The purpose of this closure is for Thames Water to carry out repairs & maintenance works.


Residential access will be maintained throughout and the diversion will be signed on site.


Please Note: Blue light access via the diversion route only.


All enquiries should be directed to: Thames Water on 0800 316 9800 or 07747 648 554


A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link) -


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information

Gigaclear Notice of works

The following works will be taking place in the village 

Check out the new dispenser at the Entrance to Miss Lawrence Field, provided by the parish council for the benefit of those who have forgotten their poo bag. 

Emergency road closure 

Inkpen Road, Kintbury is currently closed and will reopen on 7th July 2023.  The closure is outside property known as Patience House between its junctions with Laylands Green and its junction with The Green.


This emergency road closure is to enable Thames Water to repair a leak.


Residential access will be maintained throughout and the diversion route will be signed on site.


Please note: Blue light access is not known at this time.


All enquiries should be directed to 0800 316 9800.


A plan of the closure can be found at

Grounds maintenance in the village

The Parish Council will be tendering its Grounds Maintenance contracts around the village. If you would like to quote for the works, please send your details by email before 14th July or for more information please contact the clerk by email or call 07917485191. 

Kintbury Public Conveniences

Kintbury Parish Council is responsible for managing and maintaining the public conveniences located at Kintbury Lock. The PC is undertaking a major refurbishment of these facilities so over the next few weeks work will be ongoing. We hope to keep the disruption to a minimum, and toilets will be accessible at all times, but our apologies if there is any inconvenience experienced by users.


The refurbishment includes new baby changing facilities, new and updated sanitary ware, improvements to the hot water supply, new doors and a complete redecoration.


We are grateful to West Berkshire Council and Great Western Railway who provided grants towards this work, the balance being paid by Kintbury Parish Council 

Dog waste

We have a number of issues with people not picking up their dog waste, you can report anyone you see not picking up their dog waste to the WBC dog warden at the following link.

Road closure

Updated 03/07/23

Craven Way at its junction with Holt Road will remain closed until 14th July, due to component failure, thus are to be replaced with new fittings.

Craven Way, Kintbury is to be closed, the closure will be in two phases. The first phase will be from the 5th  to 12th June 2023, the closure is expected to be between its junction with Queens Way and its junction with Burtons Hill.


The diversion route is expected to be via - Burtons Hill, Newbury Street, Holt Road, and vice versa.


The 2nd Phase will be from the 12th to 30th June 2023,  the closure is expected to be between its junction with Queens Way and its junction with Holt Road.


The diversion route for this phase is expected to be via - Holt Road, Queens Way, and vice versa.


Residential access will be maintained throughout and the diversion will be signed on site.


The purpose of this closure is for Thames Water contractors to carry out Water Main installation.


Please Note: Blue light access will be via the diversion route only


All enquiries should be directed to: Morrison Water Services on 08003 169 800


The first phase will be from the 5th  to 12th June - plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link)


The 2nd Phase will be from the 12th to 30th June - plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link)


Did you know you can sign up to receive alerts for roadworks in your area? Visit for more information

Councillor Vacancy

The Council is seeking candidates to fill a vacancy by co-option.


If you feel you could make a difference within the community, why not apply!

Interested residents should contact the Clerk in the first instance for further details.


Closing date 30th June 2023



The Parish Council would appreciate your input into this form so that we can gauge opinion around the village and plan and prioritise improvements for next year. 

Please click here to complete our survey. 


The Town and Manor of Hungerford charity would like your thoughts and that of your Parish on its proposal to create a wetland reserve on a site known as Undy's Meadow, between the Charnham Park road and the river Kennet. The proposed wetland will be within walking distance of Hungerford town centre, will be open to the public and will include an Education & Information Centre. The attached leaflet will give you more details about wetlands and our proposal. Kennet Valley Wetland Reserve 


We would like your input on this proposal. Your feedback is important to ensure we make this project as relevant and appealing as we can. Your responses to our survey will remain anonymous – only the statistics from the surveys will be used in any future material. It will only take 5 minutes or less to complete.


The proposed site is close to Kintbury so the feedback from the residents of Kintbury is very important to us in developing the proposal.  Thank you for your help.


We are also asking for donations via The Good Exchange for important ecology, landscaping and biodiversity surveys needed for planning permission.  If you wish to donate you can find our funding page at the link below. Donations are being match funded by Greenham Trust.


Thank you for any support you can give us with the survey and funding.

We are pleased to confirm that the benches have now been installed around the cemetery.


Christchurch Cemetery 

Christchurch Cemetery project has really made a difference to the parish, we hope people will go and visit and get to enjoy this beautiful space. Soon we will have some benches and a picnic table for you to enjoy.


Thank you to all who helped during those cold weekends last autumn and winter, by the looks of things it was worth it! Many thanks to Councillor Lizzie Parrott for organising the project.

20230317-Parish Notice of elections for 4 May 2023_01.pdf
20230317-District Notice of elections for 4 May 2023_02.pdf
Election and Voter Id notice.pdf


If you are a dog owner, it is an offence if you do not clean up after your dog.

For further information follow CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG 

Liftshare, a car sharing platform, has been launched as a pilot scheme for local residents in East Garston, Chaddleworth, Great Shefford and Hungerford. 

For more information see Liftshare 

If you are a resident of Kintbury and feel you may be interested please see  there is a question “What if I live outside the pilot area?” were you may be able to register an interest.

Blandy’s Hill and Inkpen Road in the Parish of Kintbury will be closed on 20th March 2023 from the hours of 08:00 to 17:00 , from its junction with Forbury Lane and High Street. The closure is to enable Volker Highways to carryout essential drainage work on behalf of West Berkshire Council.


Unfortunately due to the nature of the work access cannot be maintained.


All enquiries please contact the Drainage Team at West Berkshire Council on 01635 519080

West Berkshire Council Local Plan Review

Regulation 19 Consultation Launches Today 

HELP REQUIRED THIS SATURDAY 14TH JANUARY - Thank you to everyone who came along and helped before Christmas. As part of the improvement plans to Christchurch Cemetery, we still have lots of bulbs and need your help planting them. If you can spare some time and lend a hand, come along to the cemetery anytime from 9:00 - 11:30 am on Saturday, armed with a few small gardening tools. Any help would be appreciated. 

Road closure

Blandy’s Hill in the Parish of Kintbury will be closed on 13th January 2023 from the hours of 07:00 to 19:00 , from its junction with Forbury Lane and Christchurch School. The closure is to enable Volker Highways to carryout drainage cleaning and repairs due to flooding on behalf of West Berkshire Council.

West Berkshire Council Local Plan Review

Regulation 19 Consultation Launches Today 

HELP REQUIRED THIS SATURDAY 14TH JANUARY - Thank you to everyone who came along and helped before Christmas. As part of the improvement plans to Christchurch Cemetery, we still have lots of bulbs and need your help planting them. If you can spare some time and lend a hand, come along to the cemetery anytime from 9:00 - 11:30 am on Saturday, armed with a few small gardening tools. Any help would be appreciated. 

Road closure

Blandy’s Hill in the Parish of Kintbury will be closed on 13th January 2023 from the hours of 07:00 to 19:00 , from its junction with Forbury Lane and Christchurch School. The closure is to enable Volker Highways to carryout drainage cleaning and repairs due to flooding on behalf of West Berkshire Council.

Gladstone Memorial recreation Ground: Car Park improvements.

Kintbury Parish Council, acting as the Trustee of the Gladstone Memorial Recreation Ground, is delighted to report that the car park expansion and resurfacing at the Gladstone Ground has been completed. This project has been 18 months in the fundraising and procurement process and was completed at a cost of over £70,000.


The Trustee has an ongoing programme of investing in the maintenance and facilities at the Ground to meet our charter aim to provide “Outdoor recreation for the inhabitants of the Parish of Kintbury.” As well as the Football, Tennis and Bowls Clubs, the Kintbury Jubilee Centre, skatepark and children's playground are located at the site, so it was recognised we needed to provide enhanced facilities to accommodate safe parking for all users and visitors.


The Trustee would like to thank all who contributed to this project, including West Berkshire Council, The Good Exchange, local residents, local businesses, the resident sports clubs and Kintbury Parish Council.

Older News